Fire safety
The Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 and the Fire Safety (Scotland) Regulations 2006 and the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (England and Wales), places duties on employer / owner / controller of premises to reduce the risks from fire and ensure that everyone on the work premises, or nearby, can escape safely if there is a fire. Eildon Safety Services can assist you with this by:
- Carrying out a fire safety risk assessments on the premises and identifying suitable fire safety control measures that will avoid / reduce the risks.
- Implementing suitable fire safety management arrangement.
- Providing employee, contractors, etc. with suitable information, instruction and training on the fire risks and control measures in place.
- Provide forms for keeping fire safety records.
- Provide property related fire action notices, fire action plans.
- Assist in fire drills.
- Recommend types of fire extinguisher and their locations.
- Provide fire awareness fire warden training, (face to face / elearning).