Level of services available (Note: all prices quoted exclude VAT).
STANDARD SERVICE, (£120.00 per year): You will receive a retainer stating that Eildon Safety Services provides you with competent health and safety advice and assistance, as per the legal requirement of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Free telephone and email health and safety advice and assistance where required with CHAS / Constructionline SSIP.
BRONZE ADVICE SERVICE, (£40.00 per month): For this you get a retainer, telephone / email health and safety advice service, up to 4 hours consultancy per year and free online health and safety training for upto ten staff. (See 'Elearning' for courses available).
SILVER ADVICE SERVICE, (£60.00 per month): For this you get a retainer, telephone / email health and safety advice service, regular updates on legislation / published guidance and advice on keeping your organisation legal. Up to 8 hours consultancy per year, plus free online health and safety training for all your staff, (See 'Elearning' for courses available).
GOLD ADVICE SERVICE, (£360.00 per month): For this you get a retainer, Health and Safety Officer / trainer on-site for one day per month. Regular updates on legislation / published guidance, plus a telephone / email advice service, plus free online health and safety training for all your staff. (See 'Elearning' for courses available).